Best Wireframing Tools

On the Freebee list:

Penultimate, Pencil, Mockflow, Framebox, Hot glue

And don’t forget… pen and paper

Wireframing tools
There’s nothing quicker than grabbing a pen and paper

Yes. An actual pen. And some real made-from-wood paper. Okay, so these don’t allow you to make a prototype, and there’s no built-in elements. But, if you feel more comfortable using a more traditional approach, why not get your ideas down on paper first and refine them in software later?


Tech Gender Gap is Widening

Tech Republic article by  from October 20, 2016.

Research released last month from CompTIA identified a lack of role models as one of the main factors discouraging girls from considering careers in tech. Only 37% of girls age 10-17 know of someone with an IT job, CompTIA found.

Awareness is also a problem: Of girls who have not considered an IT career, 69% reported that they did not know what opportunities were available to them, and 53% said additional information about career options would encourage them to consider an IT role.

“We found that while all these kids understand tech from a gadget and device perspective, they don’t really understand what an IT career could be—their idea is that they could only work at a helpdesk, or in an IT department,” said Carolyn April, senior director of industry research at CompTIA. “But a tech career could be a million different things in a million different industries.”

“Once girls learn what is available, their interest is just as piqued as the boys,” April said.

Embrace 960

The website has templates of every flavor to create websites based on 960 pixel wide designs. Available for your downloading and designing pleasure are templates for Photoshop, Fireworks, even Visio (eck) and a nice CSS template as well. So go forth and multiply!

I heart you MagCloud

MagCloud is a self-publishing magazine service similar to that takes care of all the hard stuff for you like managing subscriptions, printing, and shipping. All you do is upload a PDF and the rest is cake. I am so very, very excited about this idea that I’ve been dreaming up schemes. I’m hoping to be done with the first issue of my new project by mid February. I’ll let you know how it goes! PDFs of your magazine layout can be up to 100MB and page number can be up to 60 color pages.